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Snack Shack


Justin 5 A highly predictable teenage angst movie. The first half is pretty fun and fast paced. Second half, just… What’s the right word. Drivel? That the right word? Your typical plot structure of a teenage movie. Which is disappointing, because you felt it had the promise to not be that at the start. I enjoyed the movie for what it was. I thought the comedy elements in the first half were fun.
Mark 5 Ibid. The first half is zany and hilarious. It’s so fast-paced, so much happens, that it might be easy to get lost. But this is to the movie’s benefit, because even the protagonist feels that way sometimes. You’re feeling what he feels. Then about halfway through, the story sharply changes tone, becoming an extremely predictable tale of serious seriousness. It feels like they haphazardly slapped together two unrelated scripts: a fun, original comedy about the get-rich-quick schemes of a couple teenagers, and a coming-of-age drama that sprints through every cliché in a race to be as generic as possible.
